It's not often that the General Union issues a "Caveat Subscriptor" warning, but given the recent number of enquiries and…
Dues can be paid at any post office using a 'yubin furikae' (or furikomi). Forms pre-printed in English are available…
When establishing an automatic transfer through your Post Office (JP Bank) account, please remember to notify the union by email…
When establishing an automatic transfer through your bank, please remember to notify the union by email after you have lodged…
When establishing an automatic transfer through your bank, please remember to notify the union by email after you have lodged…
When establishing an automatic transfer through your bank, please remember to notify the union by email after you have lodged…
Union dues can be paid by automatic transfer from Sumitomo Mitsui, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, and Mizuho banks, along with Japan…
Union dues can be paid directly through Sumitomo Mitsui, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho banks. Along with the Japan Post Office…
With one service putting the chance of rain from 10am at 70% we have decided to cancel. It had better…
妊娠・出産に関して,労基法第65条で以下の産休の定めがあります 【産前休業】 出産予定日の6週間前(多胎妊娠=双子など=の場合は14週前)から休業を請求でき,請求があった場合,断ることはできません (労基法第65条).
We are inviting all current and NEW members to participate in our meeting on 2 October from 8pm and to…
In the midst of researching ALT working conditions at the Kitakyushu Board of Education, the Fukuoka General Union stumbled across…