Hours before smashing defending title holder Yang to take gold in the 400m freestyle on Sunday, 20-year-old Horton said he…
Hours before smashing defending title holder Yang to take gold in the 400m freestyle on Sunday, 20-year-old Horton said he…
"We have dealt with unpaid overtime here in the past and won payment. We are taking up the issue again…
The General Union has, in the past, locked horns with Rainbow International School over their culture of unpaid overtime. Indeed,…
Recently, a teacher working for Interac e-mailed the General Union in regards to the company's practice of recording video (and…
安倍首相の約束 2016年8月3日に内閣改造が行われ、第三次安倍内閣第二次改造内閣が発足した。 夕刻に安倍首相が記者会見を行った。以下にその冒頭発言の全文が掲載されている。 安倍内閣総理大臣会見
James English School, established in 1976, is a "successful chain of English schools operating throughout Northern Japan". Spread across the…