General Union September Picnic
Sunday, 28 September from 1pm ALL WELCOME Riverside by the union office (see link for map)1,000YEN for food and…
Sunday, 28 September from 1pm ALL WELCOME Riverside by the union office (see link for map)1,000YEN for food and…
① 最大担当コマ数を一日5コマ、週20コマまでとすること。C-NETが1週間に訪問する学校数を減らすこと。
After months of preparation, we are happy to announce the formation of our new union branch at Osaka City Board…
Here is a list of the demands that have been submitted to the Osaka City Board of Education. We expect…
Will L. (Chair) I'm William from the East Midlands in England, and I've been working as an Osaka C-NET since August 2013.…
Four years on from the acquisition of GEOS and a long period of restructuring and branding changes, things at Nova…
As many of you know, the General Union is suing Nippon Steel Sumikin Intercom (NSSI) over the illegal dismissal of…
You girls who want to be free Just take a tip from me
In order to gain a better understanding of wages, working conditions, and job security, mainly for those involved in language…