Why on draft? GABA Belting Survey
Tell us what you think about Gaba's belting system.
Tell us what you think about Gaba's belting system.
>Osaka Immigration Bureau: Monday, 1 June. Four officers of the General Union met with Osaka Immigration officials regarding the recent…
Date: Friday, July 3 2009
Interac, notorious for illegal sub-contracting and its hostile attitude to worker rights, continues to grow across Japan but the union…
A long-time Union member working as a part-time teacher at several universities in Nagoya received a double dose of bad…
Many GU members teach part-time at universities and colleges. Working as a part-timer at such institutions has its good points,…
Many GU members teach part-time at universities and colleges. Working as a part-timer at such institutions has its good points,…
Are you and your co-workers interested in direct hire? Contact the union to discuss the feasibility.
NOVAと新NOVA【ジーエデュケーション】教職員が加盟している労組として、猿橋被告の公判開始にあたっての声明【2009・6・1】「親睦会費横領」は氷山の一角。しかし、これを突破口に全貌解明を NOVAでは、倒産直後に不正なレッスン契約、ファミリー企業もからんだ特別背任などが、当局からも公表され、マスコミ各紙にも大きく掲載した。数十万人という被害生徒の損害や、教職員たちへの賃金不払は、その被害者数や被害額として戦後最大であり、ゼネラルユニオンも、大阪労働局に「送検要請」をし、各国の講師や、被害生徒の会も、調書作成などの捜査に協力してきた。