Nichibei sued for 4th time for Unfair Labour Practices
Vice-president Noriko Kuroda continues to slander the union and its leaders despite losing the last case at Osaka Labour Commission.
Vice-president Noriko Kuroda continues to slander the union and its leaders despite losing the last case at Osaka Labour Commission.
After a hard fought fight, the General Union and ECC have signed a historic collective agreement over Shakai Hoken (Health…
We, the union members at Nichibei Eigo Gakuin, would like to congratulate President Tamotsu Kanehisa and Vice-president Noriko Kuroda on…
On 12 July 2006, a mediated settlement agreement was signed at Osaka Prefectural Labour Commission between the General Union and…
Demand that schools consult with your union regarding any changes to your employment by winning a prior consultation agreement