注意 梅田校で盗難
Almost a year ago, the General Union launched the Shakai Hoken Campaign (health & pension rights). On 6 February, National…
2006年2月20日 大阪府労働委員会 会長 若林 正伸 様 申立人 所在地 大阪市北区天満1-6-8六甲天満ビル201 名 称 ゼネラルユニオン 代表者 委員長 山原 克二 労働組合法第7第1号・第3号違反について労働委員会規則第32条により次のとおり申し立てます.
The General Union is suing Ritsumeikan University for unfair labour practices.
Teachers at Matsushita were all set to begin a series of rolling strikes from January 31st but last minute talks…
Many respondents were interested in shakai hoken for part-timers. In this regard, Japanese law does not differentiate between full- and…
Many respondents were interested in shakai hoken for part-timers. In this regard, Japanese law does not differentiate between full- and…
The survey results have been tallied and you've voted on the best ECC School out there. The winner by far…